The Concept of Rent a Mum – Inspirational Support for Grownups.

Fundamentally Rent-a-Mum is an online introduction and booking service to match up people who wish to engage an experienced qualified professional for one to one emotional support, mentorship and befriending with those professionals wanting to work in the innovative new/old way of giving support.

Through this website;, we will build a supportive community for counsellors and therapists to help them maximise their hard-earned skills, training and experience to work in this a lighter therapeutic way and acts as the registration hub for those professionals who would like to work with us.

Who works with us?

You are likely to be a well-qualified individual who is open to finding various ways to utilise your skills to mentor, help and support individuals who might not seek access you in your role as counsellor or psychotherapist. You may be a Social worker, psychologist, doctor or any other of the recognised highly regarded helping services with the values and training in person-centred working and experience of one-to-one work with people using those person-centred skills.

Fundamentally you are that person who was drawn to helping people. This opportunity will take you back to the roots of why you entered the profession in the first place, likely this was in part due to your interest and love of people, and your drive to make a difference.

Most of you will find yourselves practising your profession in a highly skilled and honed way. You are successful in your career; it is likely your experience allows you to hear the issues at the heart of your client’s difficulties allowing you to make the maximum impact to the largest number of people. However, if you hanker to give yourself time to work in a lighter touch way, to focus on relationship building, to bring in the special qualities that are at the roots of who you are, and to offer your attention and your time to the individuals who want to use the services of Rent a Mum – Inspirational Support for Grownups.

Who will be your clients

The light touch way of working may make you accessible to the vast majority of individuals out there who are looking for the support of a special friend, someone there just for them. Our clients are likely to be successful and competent in their lives, self-aware and feel that approaching a helping professional might be overkill for them and what they are feeling. For example, people coming to use our services may have previously talked things through with friends, family and colleagues – but it might be that those people are not able to be helpful on a particular issue or our client’s do not feel able to burden them at a particular time.

You are a trained professional with experience of working with individuals on a one to one basis. You are likely to be already working as a counsellor, psychotherapist, doctor, social worker or in one of the other helping professions. You will likely have studied for a minimum of 2 years, plus undergone a continued path of learning development to inform the work you do. You may work for national organisations or work for yourself in private practise, or more likely both. The service I am offering you is an alternative way of working with the skills you already have. You will not be working with vulnerable groups and therefore can hold sessions with The Clients that are far more light touch, but where good practice and ethical guidelines you work with every day are still applicable and essential.

There is of course so much more to explain about the service. I would very much like to email you with further details about how joining Rent a Mum – Inspirational Support for Grownups will work for you,  and also find out about your thoughts and opinions too. Please take a moment to sign up to our mailing list on the form below.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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