" ....in a time lacking in truth and certainty and filled with anguish and dispair, no woman should be shamefaced in attempting to give back to the world, through her work, a portion of it's lost heart. "
Louise Bogan


Thank you for stopping by to find out a little more about Rent a Mum – Inspirational Support for Grownups.

If you are a professional trained to offer talking therapies I have an exciting proposition for you that I believe will refresh, enrich and invigorate your working practice. Please don’t be put off by the name (Rent a Mum) it takes a little getting used to I know? But please  be assured our service has its roots and branches in a person-centred approach. Its delicate, its meaningful, and there are a vast number of people attracted to engaging in this way who will benefit from your expertise; clients that you might otherwise never get to meet.

Take a minute or two to watch the video below that explains why you should consider maximising your training to work in this way. I hope you are convinced enough to subscribe to our email service on the form below  so that you can find out even more about this fabulous new initiative.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Thank you for stopping by to find out a little more about Rent a Mum – Inspirational Support for Grownups.

If you are a professional trained to offer talking therapies I have an exciting proposition for you that I believe will refresh, enrich and invigorate your working practice. Please don’t be put off by the name (Rent a Mum) it takes a little getting used to I know? But please  be assured our service has its roots and branches in a person-centred approach. Its delicate, its meaningful, and there are a vast number of people attracted to engaging in this way who will benefit from your expertise; clients that you might otherwise never get to meet.

Take a minute or two to watch the video below that explains why you should consider maximising your training to work in this way. I hope you are convinced enough to subscribe to our email service on the form below  so that you can find out even more about this fabulous new initiative.

Watch this video to find out more about why you should consider working with us and being Inspirational Support for Grownups.

We want to tell you  more so without any obligation please sign up to our mailing list below. We promise not to share your details with anyone else and if you ever want to come off the mailing list – every email contains a simple unsubscribe link.

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Find out more about how you as a fully qualified professional can work in this meaningful and enriching way - build a work day that makes full use of your expertise.
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Find out more about being Inspirational Support for Grownups
I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information )
Find out more about how you as a fully qualified professional can work in this meaningful and enriching way - build a work day that makes full use of your expertise.
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